Ale Miranda has adopted two dogs. Two dogs that couldn’t be more different and yet are one heart and one soul.
However, they have developed a behaviour that puzzles their owner Ale.
At first, Ale is seriously worried. But the vet gives the all-clear and sends her home with an astonishing realisation.
Frozen to pillars of salt
Serling and Mia love each other dearly. They are what you would call inseparable. Both were rescued and found a lovely new home with Ale.
Shortly after they came to Ale, however, the dogs developed a behaviour that caused Ale great excitement.
Serling and Mia stand still like pillars of salt in the hallway and don’t move. It looks like they are frozen in place.
„It was as if time had stood still,“
says Ale.
Whoever moves has lost
Initially, they only remain in this immobile position for a minute or two, both at the same time and as if on command.
Over time, the period of immobility becomes longer and longer. Ale asks the vet for advice. And what he tells her is astonishing.
Serling and Mia are obviously having fun with each other to see who can last longer in torpor. Whoever moves first loses.
@alemirrranda Pt 2 de el juego entre perros mas loco del mundoooo #fyp #perros
The longest time Ale has ever recorded was a remarkable nine minutes! No one will be able to match that so quickly.
What follows is a wild, exuberant game as a reward for the winner. For the dogs, this is a form of entertainment that belongs only to the two of them.
It’s all just a game
At first glance, it looks as if this behaviour is a sign of fear and confrontation.
Dogs can remain motionless for various reasons. For example, when they are observing their surroundings, are interested in a noise or are waiting for something.
@alemirrranda Respuesta a @Loto De Flor para todos los expertos en comportamiento perruno 🐶 Mia y Serling jamas se han peleado, jugar a las estatuas es algo muy de ellos y siempre termina en juego 💓
In the case of Serling and Mia, however, it’s all just one big joke. Nobody really knows how they came up with it.
But they like the unusual game and that’s the main thing.
@alemirrranda 🧐🧐ALGUIEN EXPLIQUEMEEE COMO SE PUSIERON DE ACUERDO PARA JUGAR ESTO????? #fyp #dogsoftiktok #perros
Source: The Dodo