Dog Mom Reunites with Missing Puppy, Her Reaction Will Tug Your Heartstrings

Hunde-Mama weint vor Freude, als ein Fremder ihren verlorenen Welpen zurückbringt

When a part of the family is missing, the grief is so great that the pain is endless.

This feeling of incompleteness was experienced by a female dog who was robbed of a puppy.

Every mother will be able to understand the enormous anguish this dog had to endure.

Found in a bush

Jade and her puppies. Source:

It all began in California. A female dog and her six puppies were found in a bush by the side of the road.

The animal shelter staff made every effort to gently capture the animals. This presented a major challenge, as the dogs did not trust the strangers.

It took a lot of persuasion on the part of the staff until they had rescued all the puppies and their mother.

The dog could not be calmed down

The small family was brought to the Hope For Paws animal shelter. But although the dogs were safe and well cared for, something was wrong.

All the loving care could not calm the dog, who was named „Jade“. She whimpered and was restless.

She paced back and forth and no one was able to calm her down. The shelter staff could not understand the dog’s behaviour.

Throughout the night, the loving new mum refused to calm down.

The solution to the riddle

Puppy. Source:

The mother dog’s unusual behaviour was only resolved the next day when a man entered the shelter.

He had a puppy with him and reported that this puppy belonged to the female dog that had been rescued from the bushes yesterday evening.

The man explained that the puppy had been stolen shortly before the animal welfare officers arrived.

However, he had managed to retrieve the animal and wanted to return it to its mother.

When he brought the dog Jade her seventh child, she was overjoyed. She groomed her missing child from head to toe and finally came to rest.

Two months have now passed. Now the puppies can finally move to a decent home.

By publishing the story of Jade and her puppies, the animal shelter hopes to attract a lot of attention and quickly find a good home for their charges.

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