Believe It or Not, This Cat is an Accepted Member of a Husky Pack

Herzerwärmende Bilder Kätzchen wird von 3 Huskys großgezogen - und denkt jetzt, sie ist ein Hund

Sometimes dogs and cats can’t stand each other at all – but there are also examples where they are an inseparable pair.

Like this cute kitten called Kozy, who loves to play with her three husky friends.

But how did this come about?

Sad past

The newborn kitten was only three weeks old when the Bui sisters named Thon, Thi and Tram took her in in San José, California.

They named her Rosie and brought her into their home to save her from starvation. But a mother cat offers not only food, but also protection and security.

This created a challenge for the sisters: could they give Rosie into the care of their dog Lilo? Would the husky see Rosie as part of the family or as prey?

They dared to experiment and to their surprise, she awakened feelings of motherhood in the bitch.

They adore their little sister

Now Rosie has become part of the Bui family. She is often in the company of Lilo, her sister Infinity and her brother Miko, with whom she goes on outings to the forest or plays in the snow.

Even at lunchtime, Rosie and Lilo warm each other up by cuddling. Surprisingly, Rosie even displays dog-like behaviour: She likes to be walked on a lead and is not afraid of water.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been touched by Rosie and Lilo’s story, which is being shared online. Their Instagram account has 195,000 followers and the Bui sisters regularly post pictures and videos of their special family.

They have also published a picture book telling their story, but warn against imitating this: they point out that huskies are not always expected to react so peacefully to kittens because of their strong prey drive.

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