Circus lioness locked up for her entire life – Her reaction to her first taste of freedom gives goosebumps

Zirkus-Löwin ihr Leben lang eingesperrt - Ihre Reaktion auf das 1. Mal Freiheit sorgt für Gänsehaut

In a world in which many animals are torn from their natural habitat and kept in captivity, there are also sometimes happy stories that warm the heart.

Such is the moving story of the four lions Angela, Bellone, Saïda and Louga, who were finally able to return to their home after many years in captivity.

The sad story of the four lions

Angela, Bellone, Saïda and Louga were born in captivity and spent their entire lives in a French circus.

Forced to perform tricks in front of noisy crowds, they knew nothing but a life in cramped cages.

Source: Youtube Screenshot – 5 News

Roaming through wide, open plains was just as foreign to them as a cosy nap and the feeling of the sun on their fur.

The diet was probably also anything but ideal for the proud animals.

Start of a new life

Source: YouTube screenshot – 5 News

In 2018, the four lions were rescued by the Born Free Foundation, which had set itself the goal of releasing the animals back into the wild in their native South Africa.

Despite numerous difficulties, including the COVID pandemic, which delayed their plans for years, the foundation finally succeeded in bringing the four animals to the „Shamwari Private Game Reserve“ in South Africa in 2022.

Source: Facebook – Born Free Foundation

The lions can now live in a triangular, three-hectare enclosure – a huge improvement on their previous living conditions.

Source: YouTube screenshot – 5 News

Although the animals born in captivity cannot be released directly into the wild, the reserve serves as an ideal transitional place for them to slowly acclimatise to their new environment.

The first scent of freedom

Source: Youtube Screenshot – 5 News

When the lions enter their new home for the first time, they are somewhat reserved at first.

They sniff the air cautiously and explore their surroundings curiously, as can be seen here in the video from „5 News“.

They still don’t seem entirely at ease with their new surroundings, which is understandable if they were previously only used to the confinement and cold of the cages.

Source: YouTube screenshot – 5 News

But the four royal animals quickly get used to their new home.

They owe their rescue and their new life to the dedicated work of the Born Free Foundation, Lazy Lions and other animal welfare organisations.

Source: Youtube Screenshot – 5 News

This story shows that it is possible to give a dignified life to animals that have suffered in human care.

And it reminds us how important it is that we all stand up for the protection and rights of all animals.

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