It is well known how cruel people can be to animals. But this case of animal cruelty is particularly severe.
It involves a cat hater from Illinois. It is only when his girlfriend realises what Thomas is up to that she calls the police.
By then, many cats have lost their lives, and in a particularly cruel way.
Skilful action prevents discovery
Thomas proceeded very skilfully. To make sure no one realised what he was doing to the animals, he kept getting new, similar-looking cats.
He then regularly killed them in the microwave or simply drowned them. He’s been doing this since he was eight years old.
Why did he do it? Thomas probably doesn’t really know himself. There are no blueprints for the ability to torture animals.
Are harsh punishments enough?
There are animal abusers in all sections of the population, of all ages and of both sexes.
It is usually a lack of empathy or the need to exert control. Aggression and anger directed against animals are also motives for cruelty to animals.
Only information, education and laws can help against this. In the USA, attempts have been made to counter animal cruelty with harsh penalties since 2019.
That’s why Thomas is now in prison. He faces several years in prison. He will only be released on bail and an ankle bracelet, and he is prohibited from handling animals.
Animal cruelty is also punished in Germany, but the penalties are rather moderate compared to the USA.
For cases of severe cruelty to animals, the penalties are two to three years, and usually only fines are imposed.
In the USA, 22-year-old Thomas could now face up to seven years in prison. This massive sentence is intended to act as a deterrent.
More animal welfare with media attention
For some people, the threat of punishment is probably a real deterrent. Public outrage can also contribute to greater animal welfare.
After all, the greater the media attention, the more closely the authorities have to scrutinise the situation.
Publicising serious cases of animal cruelty is therefore not just about sensationalism. It also ensures that perpetrators are held to account.
And the publications help to raise awareness of the respectful treatment of animals in order to bring about long-term, positive change.
Source: Deine Tierwelt