Unusual emergency call: animal rights activist is amazed at who she has to rescue from an empty pool

Quelle: Facebook/Fiona Connolly
Quelle: Facebook/Fiona Connolly

Filanders are small marsupials that normally live in remote forests and green thickets. They tend not to venture into residential areas.

The two young animals that an animal rights activist from the Bonorong Rescue System in Tasmania has to help have probably lost their way.

They are stuck on the cement floor of an empty pool and can’t get out. The two are in mortal danger. Their rescuer realises this immediately.

Luckily they are so small

Filanders belong to the kangaroo family. There are seven species that are at home in eastern Australia and the offshore islands.

They are small marsupials that grow to between 40 and 60 centimetres depending on the species and feed on grasses, herbs and leaves.

It is only because of their small size that the animal rescuer is able to catch the two young animals herself.

„I was surprised, but also delighted that they were both young animals, because I knew I could save them myself.“

reports the committed animal rights activist.

Source: Facebook/Fiona Connolly

The rescue operation would probably not have been so easy with adult animals.

Just in time

So the brave rescuer climbs into the pool and tries to calm the two animals with a call imitating their mother.

„They came closer, but I still needed a net to catch them“,

the rescuer describes the dicey situation.

„They’re pretty fast, even at their age.“

The rescue is successful and just in time. The little marsupials are already quite dehydrated when they arrive at an experienced foster home nearby.

The action will be remembered

Source: Facebook/Fiona Connolly

The filanders survived their adventure in the pool unscathed. They are now doing well again and when they are big and strong enough, they will be released into the wild.

The animal rights activist will remember this unusual rescue for a long time to come.

„Rescue operations can certainly be very diverse and surprising“,

she writes in an article about the event.

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<p>Source: <a href=“https://www.thedodo.com/daily-dodo/baby-siblings-bounce-around-abandoned-pool-looking-for-any-way-out“ target=“_blank“ rel=“noreferrer noopener“>The Dodo</a></p&gt

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