Was emaciated to the bone: Who will give the beautiful Safrany a happy life?

Quelle: tsv-suedkreta.de
Quelle: tsv-suedkreta.de

If pedigree dogs are picked up on the street, there is a one hundred per cent chance that they are abandoned animals.

Shiba Inu lady Safrany was obviously no longer wanted by her owner, as she was wandering the streets of Hungary in despair.

She had probably been trying unsuccessfully to get by for quite some time, as she was alarmingly thin.

She has now recovered well and is ready to move into a loving forever home.

This is Safrany

Safrany is five years young and a purebred Shiba Inu with the typical pretty, cute look.

Her shoulder height is a very manageable 33 centimetres and she is now also a healthy weight.

When Safrany smiles, it just looks adorably sweet and funny. Fortunately, she can now smile again.

When she was found, she was not only emaciated to the bone, but also scared.

Perhaps she had bad experiences with people with her former owner or on the street.

In the care of the animal welfare workers, the bright dog quickly realised that she can trust two-legged friends and showed her cuddly side.

Safrany loves to cuddle and loves to receive attention and affection.

Not only does she like to be close to her humans when cuddling, she also enjoys playing and going for walks together.

She already knows the lead and has learnt how to walk on it. However, she has not yet been taught much of the dog ABC.

But this clever, easily motivated girl loves learning and Safrany is sure to be a good pupil.

She also shows her all-round good-natured nature towards other dogs and cats.

She is sometimes reserved in new situations and with strangers, but this does not detract from her everlasting friendliness.

The ideal home for Safrany

Safrany is looking for loving, sensitive people with whom she can cuddle, play, go for walks and share her whole life.

She wants her two-legged friends to understand that she needs her time when getting to know her and familiarising her with new situations.

After the familiarisation phase, she would also like to learn everything she doesn’t yet know with patient, positively reinforcing training.

Are you looking for a loyal friend and companion who will snuggle up to you with her fluffy fur? Then fulfil Safrany’s heartfelt wish for a home full of love.

Key data and contact

Whereabouts: Hanover area, Lower Saxony

Other: neutered, chipped, vaccinated, wormed, vet checked, EU passport

Would you like to give this dog a home? Then fill out the contact form completely: https://tsv-suedkreta.de/adoptionsanfrage/

All image rights belong to the association „TierSchutzVerein Südkreta e.V.“

Please always state the name of the dog when enquiring!

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