Bitch loses her puppies after giving birth – what she does at the funeral makes the heart bleed

Hündin verliert ihre Welpen nach der Geburt – was sie beim Begräbnis tut, lässt das Herz bluten

Please note: This article deals with the subject of death and loss and contains images of dead animals.

Grief is one of the deepest and most intense feelings of all. Especially when a bereavement occurs without warning, it is difficult to deal with.

A dog who suffers a terrible loss and reacts heartbreakingly must also go through this terrible experience.

Tragic stroke of fate

A terrible story takes place in Souzhou in the Anhui province of China.

Mr Qin’s dog is expecting puppies, the birth is already in full swing, but unfortunately fate is not kind to her that day.

Shortly after the birth, her puppies die and the dog’s world collapses.

Her owner is also very sad and digs a grave for the little animals.

He carefully places the puppies in the grave, but the dog is still unable to accept the truth.

Her grief and pain are too deep.

Desperate attempts

The dog lies down next to the shallow grave in which her puppies are lying.

She won’t allow it to be dug up and the sight of her sad eyes is heartbreaking.

She even desperately tries to pick up the puppies with her mouth and shake them in the hope that they will wake up.

But of course her efforts are in vain.

Even her compassionate owner can hardly help her.

He tries to comfort her and give her love by stroking her head, but grief still holds her captive.

Of course, he stays by her side and tries to help her get over the painful loss.

Just like a human, a dog’s mum needs time and peace to come to terms with the blow of fate.

Something like this does not happen overnight and it is important to give her the space she needs to grieve and come to terms with her loss.


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