Dog Left Crying on the Street for Days, What Happens Next Will Break Your Heart

Hund liegt tagelang weinend auf der Straße und niemand hilft – was dann geschieht, ist herzerwärmend

It is very sad when dogs end up on the street because they have been abandoned. This dog was hit particularly hard.

He can’t move and is therefore permanently lying in the same place on the street. Most of the time he howls in pain.

A broken pelvis is causing the pain

The woman who made the video finds the dog and can’t leave him like this. She finds out that his pain is caused by his broken pelvis.

She wants to take him to the vet, but has to be very careful not to injure him further. So she moves him very slowly and carefully.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @thepetneedscom

The dog is examined at the vet. His condition is very poor. His blood is infected and he has a high temperature. On top of that, he has a broken hip.

The healing process takes a long time. The dog is permanently lying on its side and barely has the strength to lift its head.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @thepetneedscom

The wounds heal over time

After a long time, during which he only accepts small amounts of food and lies on his side, he finally regains the strength to lift his head and chew.

It takes even longer before he can move a little more. But little by little he gets back on his feet. The first attempts at walking are still shaky.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @thepetneedscom

But eventually he learns to walk again. The vets are confident that he will make a full recovery over time.

The comments on the video show great sympathy for the dog’s fate. For example, @beabekiph1473 writes:

„Thank you so much for helping this dog. Thank you :)“

Click here to see for yourself how the dog with the broken hip was helped:

Paralyzed Stray With Twisted Body Lays In The Street In Pain Ignored By Everyone

Source: @thepetneedscom

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