A video in which a heartless woman simply abandoned her disabled dog on the street went viral and caused widespread anger and contempt.
But fortunately there were people who helped and rescued him.
A sad event in Brazil
A few months ago, a video surfaced on the internet that was recorded in San Leopoldo, a city in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
It shows a three-legged dog at the side of the road, which was heartlessly thrown out of the car by its owner.
The completely irritated dog tried to follow the car, but was then left completely distraught and alone.
Millions of people were horrified by this incident and condemned the woman for her actions in the strongest possible terms.
Fortunately, the dog was rescued
This may be the most Evil person on the planet…
Twitter, do your thing! pic.twitter.com/BjoVx2HeC7-
Jonathan (@JWeber988) June 30, 2020
But the fate of the dog, now named TinTin, took a positive turn.
The day after the video was published, people helped the abandoned dog and brought him to the charity organisation „Patas Guerreras“, which took him in and gave him a new home.
It later turned out that he had been abandoned not once, but twice in one day.
The first time he was found by a passer-by and taken home. Shortly afterwards, he was abandoned again by his owner.
The application for adoption was very thorough
A video published on Twitter shows how warmly the staff at „Patas Geurreras“ cared for the traumatised dog.
Countless people offered to adopt TinTin, but the animal welfare workers were careful when selecting applicants to give him a loving home.
They wanted to spare him another stroke of fate.
In the end, they found the perfect new owners for the little fighter.
TinTin now has a new home and a family who love him.
Hope for a piece of justice
„Tintín“ el #perrito que fue #abandonado por una mujer que lo sacó de su carro y lo tiró a la calle por ser #minusválido. #NoAbandones #AdoptaNoCompres #PatasGuerreras 🐶❤️ pic.twitter.com/An6u10x8aG-
Patas Guerreras (@PatasGuerreras) January 6, 2020
The heartless woman who simply abandoned the poor dog was later tracked down by the police and charged with animal cruelty. She now faces a prison sentence.
You can watch the vicious act in this tweet.
Source: Animals Magazine