When a small puppy gets stuck in an exhaust pipe, the rescue workers have to act quickly.
At the same time, they have to be very careful not to injure the dog. One wrong cut could mean the end for him.
The rescue workers make every effort
The exhaust pipe has already been removed in the video, so it is unclear how the puppy was able to get into the exhaust pipe in the first place. But the rescuers have other things to worry about.
The exhaust pipe has to be cut open to free the dog. The rescue workers have to hurry and cut very carefully at the same time.
Piece by piece, they open the exhaust pipe from behind. The brave puppy is completely silent. He doesn’t howl or bark.
His head is stroked again and again to keep him quiet. One false twitch from him and he could be injured. The rescuers take good care of the dog.
In the end, soap has to help as a lubricant
After the exhaust pipe has been cut open up to the dog’s neck, the pipe cannot be opened any further. The head has to be pushed back through the pipe.
Extremely carefully, with a lot of patience and soap, the rescuers try to push the little dog back through the pipe.
The puppy’s crushed face is completely rigid. You can literally feel his fear through the screen.
But relief comes at the end. The dog slips out of the pipe and is washed and stroked by the rescuers.
The onlookers were also afraid for the little puppy.
„I was practically holding my breath the whole time I was watching this rescue. What a very lucky puppy, […] Thank you so much for your helping hands, gentlemen.“
writes @MitziHart.
Watch the rescue for yourself now by clicking here:
Source: @TheDodo