Jake Denniston and his son Aonyx from Sonoma County in California are walking past a playground. Suddenly they have to stop.
Over there, on the narrow concrete path, lies a furry something. Interested, the two take a few steps closer to see what it might be.
An orphan
The furry something quickly turns out to be a baby animal. A tiny baby opossum sits in front of them and looks at them with wide eyes.
Soon the two humans begin to worry. Shouldn’t the little one be with his mum? He’s far too young to be sitting here all alone.
Help from experts
Neither Aonyx nor his father Jake know what to do now. After all, they are not experts on possums.
When the young animal’s mother is still nowhere to be seen after a few minutes, they call the animal rescue and protection organisation Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue.
After sending the experts a photo of the little possum, the animal welfare experts agreed. The animal is too young to survive on its own.
A short journey in a paper bag
Aonyx finds a clean paper bag nearby. He picks up the little possum and carefully places it inside. The baby animal leaves the boy alone and shows no fear.
Perhaps it realises that the humans are up to no good and want to help it.
Now Aonyx and Jake take the baby to the Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue centre.
Safe and sound
Here they are well prepared for the little guest. After all, the rehabilitation of wild animals is one of the organisation’s main tasks.
The opossum can first eat its fill and then the lucky little fellow receives all the care it needs.
He will spend the rest of his childhood here. As soon as he is big and strong enough, he will return to nature, where he belongs.
Aonyx is a little sad when he has to say goodbye to his new friend.
At the same time, however, he also feels proud because he has just saved the life of a helpless creature.
Source: The Dodo