Unfortunately, even today there are still places where animals are abandoned. Judy visits one of these places every day. Judy works for TAO Animal Rescue.
It is part of her routine to search this place in Texas for animals in need of help. This is also where she finds Harley the pit bull.
Left behind on a blanket
Harley is simply abandoned by her previous owner. Loyal as a dog is, she remains on her blanket and waits for her owner to pick her up again.
Judy wants to rescue Harley, but she is very shy. It takes 45 minutes for Harley to build up enough trust to approach her and let her be fed.
Finally, Judy can take a leash and familiarise Harley with it before she can put it on her.
Judy puts Harley in the back of her truck. Harley immediately falls asleep and snores. A moving moment for Judy.
Happy ending for Harley
It doesn’t take long for Harley to find a family. She is doing well there and her new adoptive parents take loving care of her.
Judy is particularly happy. She has tears in her eyes when she talks about Harley running through the snow. Her first thought:
„She’s not running away from someone who wants to hurt her.“
in the comments, @mustikka-gk8xn shows no sympathy for the previous owner, but a lot of love for Judy:
„Not only was she abandoned at a dump, but someone obviously cut her ears off with scissors or a knife. Imagine the pain. And yet her heart is so big and she is so loving! A thousand thanks to the rescuers.“
Click here now to see Harley and Judy’s story for yourself:
Source: @TheDodo