Blind puppy meets newborn baby for the first time – video melts millions of hearts


This blind puppy’s reaction to his sister is just heart-warming..

This boxer called Kobe was beside himself with excitement when he saw the family’s newborn baby for the very first time.

Animal joy over the baby

Source: Youtube Channel – PAWONDER

It’s always sweet to see a dog meet a newborn – just like this gang of dogs who couldn’t wait to greet the baby!

The couple Rocky and Kelly have just become new parents. And their three dogs are just as happy about it as they are!

The trio’s blind four-legged friend in particular could hardly wait to finally meet the newborn.

A moving moment

Source: Youtube Channel – PAWONDER

Now the time had finally come – when the baby named Capri came home, he got to meet his furry siblings. The dogs were so excited!

The parents separated the three dogs so that they didn’t all rush towards the baby at once. So each of the three was allowed to come to the baby one by one to greet it.

It was too sweet a moment – the dogs were even allowed to sniff the duvet to pick up the baby’s scent!

Exciting meeting

All three dogs were so excited to finally meet the baby! First it was Flip’s turn, an adorable boxer.

Then came Zoey and finally Kobe, a blind boxer who had just had a serious heart operation – but is now in great health and enjoying cuddles with the baby.

Every single greeting ceremony between the four-legged friends and the newborn was captured – within a very short time, the sweet video went viral and melted millions of hearts!

What cute four-legged friends who are so happy about the arrival of the new inhabitant of the earth..

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