Couple’s Turtle Meets New Doggy Sibling, Their Interaction Is Beyond Belief


Many animal lovers have a big heart, but not everyone would take on this special responsibility.

A couple from Los Angeles don’t „just“ have two animals, they are completely different species that normally have nothing in common.

How this came about and how the two animals treat each other is absolutely touching.

An unusual pet

The couple received the African spur-thighed tortoise Rocket Larry directly from the previous owner, who was no longer able to care for the animal.

This species of tortoise can weigh up to 105 kilograms, be 83 centimetres long and easily live to be over 70 years old. A life-fulfilling task for the owner.

Not everyone dares to take on such long-term care, and then a tortoise at that! Most people are overwhelmed.

Released with a red ribbon

One day, the couple passed a building site. There sat a small dog with a red ribbon around her neck.

The couple discovered that the dog had been sitting there for several days. Without further ado, they took the abandoned animal home with them.

Puka, as they called the cute mix of American Bulldog and Boxer from then on, suffered from a congenital cleft palate.

The result is frequent sinus infections. Many puppies die from this shortly after birth.

But not Puka. She is a fighter.

First a sniff and then best friends forever

The day Puka arrived at her new home, it was not at all clear how Rocket Larry would react to her new flatmate.

Everything went terribly quickly and without any problems. After a brief „sniff“, the friendship was sealed.

That was in 2011 and since then the two friends have had many adventures together, playing and cuddling with each other.

And when Rocket Larry can’t be found hiding from his human housemates, Puka knows exactly where to find his mate.

It’s an incredibly beautiful story. Two animals in need, two big human hearts and four happy souls under one roof – can life be any better?

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