Dog goes for a walk on the roof – Master comes home and then it gets really funny

Hund ist auf dem Dach: Seine Reaktion, als sein Herrchen ihn erwischt, sorgt für Lachtränen

It can happen that animals run around on the roof: Squirrels, martens and, of course, birds.

But a dog on the roof, as seen in this video, is a rather rare, not to say astonishing, sight. What’s behind it?

The telltale window

No, the dog didn’t set a new world record in the high jump. So he didn’t just jump onto the roof. There is a more plausible explanation.

Das verräterische Fenster
Source: TikTok screenshot; channel: @roofdood

A window is open and the dog has apparently escaped through this window. The roof it can reach extends over part of the ground floor and the garage.

That’s plenty of room to get some wind in his face, and that was probably the whole point of his walk.


Unfortunately, the dog didn’t expect his master to be home so early. But that is now the case.

The man is sitting in his car and filming the dog, who is obviously a little embarrassed.

He probably knows very well that rooftop walks are actually forbidden.

And back inside

The dog’s sense of guilt becomes clear when he immediately runs towards the open window at the sight of his master.

Und wieder hinein
Source: TikTok screenshot; channel: @roofdood

Then he turns once more in the direction of the car and wags his tail hopefully.

But then the man’s voice rings out. „Go back inside!“ says his master calmly, pointing to the window with his index finger.

As a furry friend, there’s nothing you can do if you don’t want to get a sermon. So it’s better to obey.

The dog obediently climbs into the house through the window. Maybe there will be another opportunity later. You never know.

Und wieder hinein
Source: TikTok screenshot; channel: @roofdood

The window is to blame

User fourtailband has the perfect excuse for the dog in the comments:

„He’s innocent. It’s the window’s fault.“

The dog would probably agree.

Other users, however, are not so sure whether the window was really open in the first place or whether the dog could have opened it himself.

Is that possible? Watch the video now!


they weren’t supposed to be home till 9 🙄🙄#roof #doodle #labradoodle

♬ original sound – Louie / Bryson white

Source: roofdood

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