The bond between humans and animals can be unbreakable, a love that is strong and everlasting.
So it hurts all the more when a beloved four-legged friend escapes through an open door by some stupid chance.
This is what happened to Bill Ballato and his beloved dog Bosco. But luck is on their side and the big reunion is just around the corner. But how will Bosco react to his master after such a long time?
He feared he would never see his dog again
Bosco, a nine-year-old beagle mix, disappeared from his home in Westerly, Rhode Island.
He was able to free himself from his collar and explored the neighbourhood on his own.
Unfortunately, he eventually lost his bearings and couldn’t find his way home.
This came as a shock to Bill Ballato, a disabled veteran.
Bill was desperately looking for his dog
For months, Bill tried to find his dog through missing persons reports and personal searches.
But sadly, the runaway beagle mix was nowhere to be seen.
Then it happened that Bill had to move to Lafayette, Colorado.
His hopes of ever seeing his beloved dog again were dashed for good.
But things turned out differently
It’s hard to believe, but some Rhode Islanders recognised Bosco from the missing persons‘ reports. The dog had been wandering the streets since he went missing.
However, he was very shy of people.
Some residents contacted Sheilah Graham, an employee of the Department of Homeland Security who often works as a „pet detective“, and reported Bosco.
Eventually, Bill was also informed and provided more important information about Bosco.
Bosco was finally able to return home
Sheilah Graham soon managed to catch Bosco with a trap. This contained all of the dog’s favourite foods, an excellent idea on her part.
The dog detective must really have a big heart for dogs, because she drove 3,219 kilometres in 36 hours to bring the dog back to his master.
She financed the journey herself and also had to overcome two snowstorms.
bosco had been missing for 764 days and as happy as Bill was, he was worried.
Would the reunion be a success?
Bill was worried that Bosco wouldn’t recognise him after all this time. Bosco’s older dog brother also seemed confused.
But the dog owner had a very good idea: he called his rediscovered dog „Dude“.
Bosco immediately recognised that he was looking at his beloved dad.
He was beside himself with excitement. Everything was back: his master, his dog brother, his toys and his home.
What a touching reunion, which you can follow here on Facebook.