Dog sits by the window for 11 years waiting for his master: But suddenly everything is different

Hund sitzt 11 Jahre lang am Fenster und wartet auf sein Herrchen: Doch plötzlich ist alles anders

This story is about a loyal dog named Toby who waits by the window every day for his owner Roman to come home from work.

Roman, from Chicago, shares his moving story online in the hope of easing his deep grief and touching others.

A dog full of love and kindness

Ein Hund voller Liebe und Güte

Toby is not „just“ a dog, he is an extraordinary companion. He always shows kindness and goodness, even when people try to be hard on him.

His unconditional love touches the hearts of people who meet him.

Day after day, Toby sits by the window and waits patiently for Roman.

When Roman goes to work and is gone for eight to ten hours, Toby stays behind alone and watches the passing time longingly.

As soon as Roman finally comes home, Toby stands happily at the door and greets him with a wagging tail.

Ein Hund voller Liebe und Güte

A tough battle and the hardest decision of his life

Ein harter Kampf und die schwerste Entscheidung des Lebens

Unfortunately, Toby is plagued by serious illnesses. He is struggling with cardiomyopathy, a torn ligament and three serious operations.

As if that wasn’t enough, the vets also diagnose stage four kidney failure and cancer.

The vet tells Roman that Toby will not live much longer. Nevertheless, Toby fights bravely and exceeds all expectations.

Roman is faced with one of the most difficult decisions of his life. Toby is in unbearable pain and the vet recommends putting him out of his misery.

Heartbroken, Roman takes Toby to the vet to be gently put to sleep.

It is a deeply sad moment when Roman holds Toby in his arms for the last time and has to say goodbye.

A legacy of unconditional love

Ein Vermächtnis der bedingungslosen Liebe

Even though Toby is no longer physically with us, his love and devotion lives on in the hearts of Roman and everyone who hears about this story.

His long wait at the window symbolises the unconditional love of a loyal pet.

May Toby rest in peace as Roman finds comfort and healing and cherishes the memories of the years he shared with his beloved friend.

Source: epic-interesting

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