Dog’s Precious Reaction to Seeing Her Owner After a Long Time Apart Melts Hearts

Quelle: episch-interessant
Quelle: episch-interessant

Dogs love sincerely and without demands. Once they have decided in favour of a person, it is their chosen soulmate.

Separation from this person is difficult for the four-legged friends to bear and can even affect their temper.

That’s probably what happened to the German shepherd Freya in this story. She finally sees her owner again. What she does says more than a thousand words.

Without the familiar

A long time of waiting lies behind master and shepherd dog. A time in which they did not see each other and any contact was impossible.

The feelings that Freya and her owner experienced every day can hardly be described.

But now the time has finally come. There are only a few moments left until the reunion they both long for so much.

Master in hiding

Freya has already had a small moment of happiness. A few moments ago, she was able to greet her owner, whom she also missed very much.

Her soulmate is still waiting and hiding in the yard. The German shepherd is already waiting in the open front door, but cannot yet see the person she is looking for.

Then suddenly there it is. A call, the sound of a voice that the dog would have recognised among millions.

At last she has her soul mate back.

A heart-warming reunion

There is no stopping Freya. She runs off to meet her master and is immediately embraced by him.

The shepherd dog doesn’t know what to do with her joy. She lies down on the floor, whines and wags her tail. So many emotions flow through her body.

Her cries of joy almost sound like a scream. A sound, however, that is characterised by happiness and confidence.

Her owner is no different. He is also happy, full of joy and love for his shepherd dog. They are finally reunited.

A story that shows how much love dogs have inside them and that they never forget a loving person.

The heartbreaking reunion was even captured in a video:

German Shepherd Cries Out In Happiness After Months Apart From Owner

Source: epic-interesting

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