Emaciated, sick and sad: how this poor dog blossoms with a new family is deeply moving

„Traurigster Hund, den ich je gesehen habe“: Wie er sich bei neuer Familie verändert, rührt zutiefst

Emaciated, hairless and at the end of his tether: this is the state in which the outside cameras of some apartment blocks record this poor dog. Nobody helps.

Eventually, Three Little Pitties Rescue – an organisation that rescues dogs and cats in Canada – finds out about it.

Almost completely destroyed

11.000 furry friends have already been helped by Three Little Pitties. So it means something when the stray’s new foster mum says:

„He was one of the saddest dogs I’ve ever seen.“

Indeed, Abel, as he is now called, is a terrible sight.

Fast völlig vernichtet
Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @TheDodo

In addition to his emaciated body, missing fur and sore skin, this poor dog’s almost completely destroyed soul is particularly heartbreaking.

Welcome to the pack

It takes a few weeks before Abel wags his tail for the first time, signalling his zest for life.

Then his transformation progresses rapidly. This development is due not least to the other rescued dogs with whom he lives. They are his new family.

Willkommen im Rudel
Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @TheDodo

He is learning from them how wonderful it is to have friends and to be safe.

His fur has also grown back, so you can hardly recognise him from the outside.

Quarantine and a new home

Then suddenly things take a dramatic turn for the worse. Abel has contracted distemper – a dangerous viral disease.

He has to be separated from his new friends to protect the other dogs. However, Abel is now so strong inside that he survives the illness well.

Now he is in for some really good luck.

Home with a double

Abel is going to a loving forever home. Here he not only finds great people, but also a new brother.

The crazy thing is that they look so much alike that it’s hard to tell them apart when they’re hunting through the countryside together.

Zuhause mit Doppelgänger
Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @TheDodo

„I honestly never get tired of seeing beautiful stories like this,“

writes user John in the comments to the video. See why he thinks so now!

Source The Dodo

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