Family returns puppy to animal shelter – if he is not adopted, he faces euthanasia

Familie gibt Welpen ins Tierheim zurück - wenn er nicht adoptiert wird, droht ihm die Einschläferung

Street dogs don’t have it easy. But rarely does a case arouse such compassion as the case of Scarlett.

It sounds almost too cruel to be true. We very much hope that the puppy will find a home where she can grow up sheltered and cared for!

Full of fear and without confidence

Voller Angst und ohne Zuversicht

There is at best a small chance that the BARC Animal Shelter in Houston, Texas, can still save Scarlett’s life.

She arrived at BARC on 10 May weighing just over 20 kilograms. However, the stray, identified as a Labrador mix, hardly leaves the corner of the room, refuses treats and even trembles at the mere sight of people.

On 15 May, Scarlett was already facing euthanasia – had it not been for the intervention of one of the BARC care staff.

After that, it looks as though things are looking up for the eleven-month-old dog. An adoptive family takes care of the completely terrified puppy – but returns him to the shelter two weeks later.

The reason: the dog is too frightened and emotionally withdrawn, and the family does not have the necessary skills to restore Scarlett’s trust in people and the good things in life.

Only hope remains

Es bleibt nur die Hoffnung

Scarlett is now back at the BARC Animal Shelter, where the staff are waiting for a miracle. The shelter is urgently asking for an experienced person who is able to look after difficult cases like Scarlett.

In Germany, we may not be too familiar with the „problem“ of street dogs. We tend to know dogs on a lead in the company of a loving person.

But unfortunately this is not the rule.

The sad truth is that even euthanasia or other cruel killings do not get to the root of the problem.

Only the targeted castration of animals is effective in the long term.

We hope that more organisations will get involved in neutering campaigns in future so that cases like Scarlett’s don’t happen in the first place!


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