Family tours safari park – when the animals arrive, Grandma goes completely crazy

Familie fährt durch Safaripark – als die Tiere kommen, dreht Oma komplett durch

The family in this video is well prepared for their visit to the safari park. Several cups of food ensure that the animals actually make it to the car.

However, the family’s grandma seems to be horrified by this, as she immediately demonstrates.

Llama comes, grandma shrieks

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @petcollective

Grandma has taken a seat in the passenger seat. We hear mum’s voice from the driver’s seat. Her son is sitting in the back seat.

At the beginning of the video, Grandma is holding a cup filled with food, but is not looking out of the open window, but in the opposite direction.

„There it is.“

says Mum. She means a llama. Grandma turns round and a shrill cry escapes her:

„Ahhh! Neiiiin!“,

we hear her shriek loudly, but then the scream turns into laughter. She is obviously as shocked as she is thrilled.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @petcollective

But the llama is getting too colourful. This screeching granny is not quite right for him and he retreats.

Brave child in the back seat

The boy in the back seat is a little braver, although he actually has more reason to be a little scared.

Two emus peck the food out of a cup, which he bravely keeps in his hand.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @petcollective

In the meantime, a mighty water buffalo visits the grandma in the passenger seat.

She holds the food cup out to him, but at the same time tries to scare the animal away by screeching and waving her hand.

The water buffalo looks puzzled. Then it trolls off.

Emu meets granny

One of the emus is less impressed by Grandma’s powerful vocalisations.

It tirelessly grabs food from the cup in her hand. Food, it seems to think, is the main thing. Who cares about a little noise?

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @petcollective

Grandma, on the other hand, can now proudly claim that she has managed to feed a wild animal.

Watch the hilarious animal-human encounter in the video now!

Source: @petcollective

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