Farmer finds huge hen’s egg &#8211 but what he discovers inside is a mystery to scientists

Bauer findet riesiges Hühnerei - doch was er darin entdeckt, stellt die Wissenschaft vor ein Rätsel

Something is different when Scott Stockman from „Stockman’s Eggs“ collects the morning eggs in the Atherton Tablelands in North Queensland, Australia.

Because one of the eggs doesn’t look anything like it usually does. It is huge and, at 175 grams, about three times the size of a normal hen’s egg!

The egg is cracked open – and what is found inside is yet another mystery.

A mysterious egg

Stockman’s Eggs has probably never come across anything like this before. The „culprit“ is a free-range hen on the farm.

To find out what is behind this unusual size, Stockman and his colleagues crack open the egg.

And what’s inside is… another perfectly shaped egg! Those present are shocked. How could something like this be?

„It’s just incredible to have two perfectly shaped eggs together,“

stockman comments on the find.

Even experts are surprised

They want to get to the bottom of the matter and seek professional advice.

But even an expert from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Charles Sturt University says he has never seen anything like it before.

According to colleague Prof Raf Freire, however, there is only one plausible explanation: for whatever reason, the hen simply did not or could not lay her first egg.

„Then the next day, instead of the egg being laid as usual, another egg was released. That came down and then the hen somehow decided to form the shell around both the egg from the previous day and the new egg that had come down.“

So this unusual coincidence seems to be the solution to the puzzle. And „Stockman’s Eggs“ can boast of having been in possession of a truly exceptional double egg.

Source: Newsner

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