Fishermen cut open huge pike: they can’t believe what they find in its stomach

Quelle: Youtube-Screenshot; Kanal: Furry Tails
Quelle: Youtube-Screenshot; Kanal: Furry Tails

This video is not for the faint-hearted! Eat and be eaten is the motto beyond our comfortable civilisation.

But what happens here turns this saying on its head. Let’s hope this slippery little friend isn’t traumatised after this experience. But read for yourself..

A most peculiar catch

In recent years, the bellies of marine animals have increasingly become home to foreign objects.

Whether plastic, fishing nets or other rubbish dumped into the world’s oceans by human hands – we are increasingly confronted with the sad results of our actions.

However, the video on the YouTube channel Furry Tails paints a slightly different picture.

A pike that has just been caught is virtually lying on the dissecting table. Something misshapen stands out in its soft, white belly.

Ein höchst seltsamer Fang
Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: Furry Tails

The two men bending over the catch are puzzled:

What could this strange thing possibly be? A frisbee?

„It’s round and sits on wooden blocks“,

surmises one of the men jokingly. A crab? Or maybe a telephone after all?

And then… the surprise!

But as the incision deepens and the contents of the stomach slowly spill out, we hear a surprised „Oh„, followed by:

„I thought it was a turtle!“

A small blue gill fish lands on the white table in front of the pike.

As if that wasn’t enough, the two men burst into wild screams and laughter shortly afterwards.

The reason: the fish starts to flap its fins wildly!

Und dann… die Überraschung!
Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: Furry Tails

Whether the men’s boisterous laughter is really an appropriate reaction is debatable.

„Imagineexperiencing the most traumatic thing that’s ever happened to you, you see a light, you think that’s the time for you to go, then you pop out and a group of aliens point and laugh at you as you die.“

is how one user paraphrases the gillfish’s traumatic experience.

However the little guy dealt with the experience – hopefully the fish was released back into the big, wide sea.

See the full-length video for yourself here:

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