Gorilla gives birth to a baby: unbelievable what she does with her offspring afterwards

Gorilla-Mama kümmert sich um ihr Baby wie ein Mensch - und bringt Millionen Herzen zum Schmelzen

All alone and without human help, a female gorilla painfully gives birth to her offspring.

She is visibly exhausted afterwards, but the new mum gorilla Calaya can’t allow herself a break.

After all, she has to look after her baby!

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @WTOPNewsDC

She takes such touching care of her baby

Calaya is as loving with her offspring as a person is with their baby.

Source: YouTube screenshot; Channel: @WTOPNewsDC

This is mainly due to the fact that gorillas are very similar to us humans, as science has now discovered.

Gorillas are very close to humans, not only physically but also in terms of their nature.

This is proven by the heart-wrenching video of Calaya, who shows human-like traits when caring for her offspring.

They have just as strong a bond with their babies as we humans do.

In the early years, they lovingly care for their offspring by giving them shelter, food, protection and lots of love .

Adorable video

The video shows Calaya giving birth to her baby without any outside help.

Although she was in unimaginable pain and extremely exhausted afterwards, she immediately took her baby in to clean him up.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @WTOPNewsDC

Ever since her baby gorilla was born, there was no time for Calaya to rest . From then on, she was constantly busy.

The video shows her carefully cradling her baby and placing it very close to her chest – her her loving look melts everyone’s heart!

Source: YouTube screenshot; Channel: @WTOPNewsDC

She kisses the newborn so that you can literally feel her love through the screen.

The love of a mother

Source: YouTube screenshot; Channel: @WTOPNewsDC

No matter how exhausting it was, the gorilla mum did everything she could to make her baby happy.

So even the pain after the birth was quickly forgotten.

Every mother will recognise herself in Calaya when she sees how lovingly the lady gorilla looks after her newborn.

Because nothing is as strong as the feelings of a mother to her newborn baby. Calaya touches the hearts of millions of people with her caring nature.

What a wonderful video that shows the endless love of a mum!

Source: SBLY Animal Channel, WTOP News

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