Hidden beauty: the internet is guessing which animal is hiding in this photo

Quelle: Ismail Shariff
Quelle: Ismail Shariff

The photography of wild animals in the wild was created not least to protect these animals.

Wildlife photographer Ismail Shariff has been travelling with his camera in the Himalayan mountains for ten years, always on the lookout for particularly striking species.

The Himalayan environment, with its icy and rugged mountains, may not seem like a very lively place. But that’s not true. Quite the opposite.

Detective skills required

Shariff always manages to inspire his online followers with his pictures of this inhospitable region.

But it is not the barren, snow-covered rocks that attract the attention of his followers.

Because what blends perfectly into the landscape is a majestic snow leopard. It takes detective skills to even notice it.

Source: Ismail Shariff

Perfectly adapted

Its spotted coat pattern helps it to camouflage itself perfectly in its habitat and its thick fur protects it from the extreme temperatures.

Source: Ismail Shariff

Snow leopards are considered an endangered species, mainly because they are a sought-after target for poachers and are increasingly losing their natural habitat.

However, they are considered one of the key species for the ecosystems in which they live. They regulate the population of their prey.

Hide and seek with a white ninja

Source: Ismail Shariff

„I am impressed, humbled and perhaps a little envious of their ability to adapt so well,“

explains Shariff, who did not recognise the imposing animal in the middle of his photo at first.

Source: Ismail Shariff

„It’s like playing hide and seek with a white ninja,“

he reveals to his followers, still marvelling at himself. That’s how impressed he was by the sight.

Source: Ismail Shariff

Anyone who looks at Shariff’s pictures will immediately understand. At first glance, all you really recognise is a barren landscape.

If you look very closely, you can recognise the outline of the gigantic animal. Then the snow leopard lifts its head and Shariff takes a fascinating picture.

Source: The Dodo

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