Father and son go for a nice hike and want to enjoy nature.
They discover something on a stone that looks like a fluffy animal.
Curious, they want to find out what it is, but the truth is terrifying!
Curiosity on a walk
In northern Mexico, a father and his adult son go for a walk.
They discover a large black creature that appears to be sleeping on a rock.
The son, a Rada SC photographer who enjoys taking nature photographs, wants to find out more about the animal.
They slowly approach the sleeping creature and the son wants to know if they can recognise which animal it is.
„I told my father that we should touch the ‚ball of hair‘ carefully to see if we can identify it,“
says Rada SC.
So he goes even closer, gently pokes the animal and makes the shocking discovery.
Incredible find
The „animal“ is not a particularly fluffy specimen, but a large collection of spiders.
The many legs together give the impression of a furry creature.
The sight is completely surreal and it’s hard to imagine how many spiders there must be in one pile!
Rada SC has identified the spiders as harmless weavers.
The many spiders have probably gathered on the rock to avoid the sun.
The two don’t want to disturb the spiders any further and leave them alone, then the little animals quickly scurry back together to the big fluffy patch.
Source: epically interesting