Siberian huskies are one of the most fascinating dog breeds.
Their striking, bright blue eyes and dense black-grey coat give them an impressive appearance. Their gaze is very expressive and quickly casts a spell over you.
Their voice is in no way inferior to their dramatic appearance.
When they are angry or excited, they sound like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Sometimes they even sound more like a whole kindergarten.
This is also the case with Blu, who can’t stop whining. His owner is doing something he doesn’t like!
Husky Blu delivers an Oscar-worthy performance
Blu is admonished by his owner! The husky doesn’t like that at all. But what exactly happened?
His owners had an appointment. During this time, Blu ran riot in his dog bed and destroyed it.
When he was reprimanded for this, he complained loudly. Blu howls and whines heartbreakingly.
The owner speaks to Blu about his behaviour and the dog emphatically replies to the reproaches.
It’s almost like a scene between a defiant child and its mother.
The owner says in the video:
„Blu… hey, don’t interject.“
For a brief moment, Blu falls silent and seems to be looking for a suitable answer to get out of the awkward situation.
„You don’t know what happened?“
she asks him.
„Who did it? You or your sister? Who made such a mess here?“
The tantrum begins
Now the funny scene begins. Blu is not at all happy with the situation.
He is furious that his owners have left him alone and has no intention of apologising.
Instead, he howls at a volume and pitch that leaves no doubt as to how he feels about the situation.
The whole scene is hilarious, and it’s hard not to immediately take this theatrical and sweet young husky to your heart.
Blu shows real stamina in this vociferous display of emotion, which is typical of huskies. In the English-speaking world, this is known as a „husky tantrum“.
This masterful performance shows that animals often have more emotion and expressiveness than we sometimes give them credit for.