An ordinary car journey turns into an unforgettable experience: Walter Ledermuller and his faithful companion Junior, a lively French bulldog, not only share their home, but also a special passion – a love of music.
One sunny day, the two decide to take a trip into the countryside together.
But what begins as a simple drive quickly turns into a heart-warming event that expresses their bond in a unique way.
A musical journey: The discovery of Junior’s singing talent
Walter Ledermuller, proud owner of the lively French Bulldog Junior, realised early on that his four-legged friend has a loud voice and particularly fine senses.
But during a car journey across Germany, Junior reveals a previously unknown passion to his father: singing.
During the journey, Walter searches for suitable music. Suddenly he hears a soulful cover version of Rihanna’s hit „Diamonds“. Walter knows the lyrics and immediately joins in during the journey.
A special moment: Junior waits for his turn
Little Junior is fascinated by his father’s beautiful voice. With an almost mischievous grin on his face, he waits impatiently for his turn.
In the video , it looks like he’s thinking:
„I can hardly wait, it’s almost my cue!“
Finally, he decides to join in the duet with his dad and add his own flavour to the song.
Junior and Walter: an unforgettable duet
Junior’s vocals begin quietly and then build up to an impressive howl. He emphasises Walter’s calm performance with his own background vocals.
He also puts his heart and soul into difficult passages and imitates them by raising his head and howling impressively.
At the end of the video, a bright-eyed Junior helps his master to finish the duet with a long howl.
Since Junior discovered his love for this song, he has regularly taken part in Walter’s car jam sessions.