Market sells live turtles to eat – how this man intervenes moves the whole world

Markt verkauft lebende Schildkröten zum Essen - wie dieser Mann eingreift, bewegt die ganze Welt

Rescuing pets is a noble cause, but what about wild and marine animals? They need our help and care too.

That’s exactly what Arron Culling, a man from Greymouth, New Zealand, thinks when he decides to change the fate of two sea turtles.

The endangered journey of the turtles

In Papua New Guinea, it is still legal to fish for sea turtles. The region’s coastal neighbourhoods hunt these majestic animals for their meat and eggs.

But Arron and his colleague see an opportunity to help them.

For less than 40 US dollars, they buy the turtles‘ freedom and return them to their rightful place – the sea.

A rescue operation with an impact

This rescue operation is not the first time that Arron and his mate have stood up for the turtles.

They have previously rescued around ten turtles and released them into the wild. However, their latest action is something special.

Arron documents the rescue on social media sites and the pictures spread like wildfire around the world.

This leads to increased awareness of the precarious living conditions of sea turtles.

In fact, six of the seven species worldwide are considered endangered or threatened.

A gesture with far-reaching consequences

The rescue of these two sea turtles may seem small, but it has a big impact.

It shows that each of us, even in a small community, can have a positive impact.

Raising awareness about protecting endangered animals and showing small gestures of kindness can make a big difference.

Arron and his friend are real heroes.

Not only have they saved the lives of two turtles, but they have also raised the awareness of many people about the threat to these fascinating creatures.

It’s time for all of us in our region to show kindness and reach out to each other to make a positive change.

Saving family members or pets is admirable, but saving wildlife and marine life is just as important.

Arron Culling is a true hero who changed the fate of two sea turtles.

His small but significant rescue operation has attracted worldwide attention and raised awareness for the protection of endangered species.

It shows us that we can all make a positive change through small gestures of generosity.

Source: epically interesting

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