Pro Cyclist Hears Soft Crying from Ground Hole, His Brave Rescue is a Must-Watch

Radprofi in Brasilien rettet fünf, in einem Erdloch, ausgesetzte Welpen

As animal lovers, we will never understand how someone can come up with the idea of simply abandoning a dependent creature in the wild.

What thoughts go through the minds of people who leave little innocent puppies in deserts, forests or even rubbish bins? We won’t be able to find out any time soon.

Let’s turn our attention to the heroes who rescue such poor creatures. People who don’t waste a thought on what they have to do, but simply do everything they can to help these cute puppies escape their cruel fate!

Five puppies in a hole in the ground

Tyago Costa Silva is a professional cyclist and lives in Brazil. He likes to head out into the great outdoors to train, either alone or with colleagues. In his home country, that means into the wilderness.

During one of these training rides with some friends, he saw a hole at the side of the road. A faint beeping sound had alerted the sportsmen to something unusual and they stopped their ride.

They were horrified to see that someone had abandoned five puppies in a hole in the ground, leaving them to die somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

It was a hole in the ground dug especially for this cruel purpose, from which there was no possibility of escape for the five innocent creatures.

Spontaneous rescue operation with a 20-kilometre diversions

The sporty friends got the five puppies out of their hole and first provided them with water. Tyago filmed the entire action and published it on his social media account.

The professional cyclists then put the puppies in their bags and took a 20-kilometre diversions to help the little creatures.

Tyago even went one step further. Instead of dropping them off at the animal welfare centre and continuing his training, he took the five puppies home with him.

Looking for loving new owners

He looked after the funny little guys and kept posting their stories and happy dispositions after they had had a chance to recover at his place.

Tyago then called on people to get in touch if they were willing to adopt one of the dogs and offer it a loving home from then on.

The campaign was a quick success for the professional cyclist due to his popularity. However, he would like to emphasise that he did not rescue the puppies to get into the media. He didn’t need to do that.

He rescued the puppies because he has the means to do so and because he loves dogs and wants to do something positive to protect them!

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