Rottweiler appears at night next to her mistress at the bed – for this reason she jumps up immediately

“Sie war nie dafür ausgebildet” - Rottweiler erkennt nächtlichen Notfall und rettet Kinder-Leben

A woman is startled when her Rottweiler dog suddenly appears next to her in the middle of the night. Her alarm bells immediately go off.

Normally, the furry friend is busy doing something very specific at night. Her presence can only mean one thing: an emergency.

The four-legged friend’s owner recognises the danger immediately and takes action.

She fell in love with him immediately


When the Rottweiler dog Daisy came into the family as a young puppy two years ago, she filled the whole house with love.

She was most fond of her owner’s son – she fell in love with the boy and hasn’t left his side since.

„She sleeps next to him every night“ – reports his mum Brittany.

It is a real pleasure for her to watch their intimate relationship every day.

„She can’t get enough of him.“


Daisy and the little boy have lots of fun together.

During the day, they often play tug-of-war with their toys – or chase each other in the backyard.

But the real fun starts at night: the Rottweiler lady makes her way to her mate’s bedroom at 8.30 pm on the dot.


There she waits dutifully on the stairs – as soon as the family goes upstairs, she jumps onto the bed and waits for the boy to brush his teeth.

Because then she knows for sure that cuddling time has come.

One night, something was different..


Normally Daisy puts her arm around the boy, as soon as he is in his cot – then holds him close and doesn’t let him go for the rest of the night.


The two then spend the whole night cuddled up together.

Not so that night, however , when Brittany woke up at 2 a.m. and Daisy was suddenly standing next to her bed.

She knew straight away that something was wrong!

Daisy immediately recognised the seriousness of the situation


Brittany’s son had type 1 diabetes.

That night, his blood sugar levels plummeted – and Daisy recognised this emergency immediately.

Even though she had never been trained to do so. What an incredible hero dog!

She woke up her owner so that she could check on her son and take the necessary medical measures.

He is even familiar with the technique


It’s not just the silent emergencies that this clever dog knows about.

She also knows about his glucose tracker, which the boy uses at night to monitor his blood sugar levels.

As soon as something is wrong, this device sounds the alarm to wake his parents up.

Daisy knows exactly how important this machine is for him – and therefore avoids any contact with the glucose tracker, so that it is not damaged.

For example, if the tracker is lying on his stomach, Daisy looks for another place to sleep and cuddles up to the boy’s side instead.

„She’s a special girl.“


Brittany is happy to have such a clever dog by her side, who keeps an eye on her son at all times.

Recently there was a new addition to the family and another Rottweiler puppy moved into Brittany’s home.

Daisy loves to romp around with her new playmate Lilly – but when it comes to bedtime, she still only has eyes for her best friend.

No matter what she’s doing at that moment: at 8.30 pm on the dot, she drops everything and gets ready for bed, to cuddle with the little boy.

That is true love between humans and animals!

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