When a Schnauzer and a poodle have offspring together, the result is one of the most popular designer dog breeds in the world: a Schnoodle.
The name is made up of the word „Schnauzer“ and the English term „Poodle“, which means „poodle“ in German.
Designer dogs, also known as hybrid dogs, are selective crossbreeds that are not recognised as a breed by the FCI, but are nevertheless selectively bred.
External appearance of the Schnoodle
You probably know that mixed-breed dogs can look very different depending on which parent is more dominant. This is also the case with Schnoodle.
However, as there are different Schnauzer breeds and just as many different Poodle breeds, there is a particularly wide range of Schnoodles.
Miniature Schnauzers, Medium Schnauzers or Giant Schnauzers meet Miniature Poodles, Small Poodles or Large Poodles – which is why the size of a Schnoodle is between 25 and 65 centimetres.
Either way, if one parent is large and the other small, this poses health risks and can be very stressful for the mother dog if she is the smaller one.
If you want to get a Schnoodle, you should therefore choose one whose parents fall into the same size category.
Depending on the mating, the weight also varies greatly. A Schnoodle can weigh just five kilograms, but can also weigh up to 35 kilograms.
However, its build is always athletic, slim and muscular. The ears are drooping, medium to large in size or rarely smaller.
The coat varies greatly, but it is always thick and long. It can be as soft and curly as the poodle, but also as robust as the schnauzer.
There are even Schnoodles that have both Poodle and Schnauzer coats on their bodies. Schnoodles also often have the Schnauzer’s characteristic beard and bushy eyebrows.
Coat colours range from white and light grey to black, salt & pepper, brown and piebald.
Character of the Schnoodle
Like its two parents, the Schnoodle is a friendly, outgoing dog that likes to be loyal to its humans and is affectionate.
Schnoodles want to be with you everywhere and, with good training, can easily be taken to the office.
These cuddly, playful and child-friendly dogs also make good family pets. Life in a family is even ideal for these active four-legged friends.
Schnoodles love to move and enjoy long walks. They also prefer to have a large garden to run around in and sniff around.
These agile dogs also love sport. Intelligent dog sports such as agility or search games also suit the Schnoodle’s intelligence.
It is important to keep a Schnoodle physically and mentally active, otherwise it will quickly become bored and a bored Schnoodle will bark too much.
Training the docile, people-orientated Schnoodle is generally not difficult.
However, loving, consistent training and early socialisation are just as important as with any other dog.