Sometimes it takes several attempts before things really work out.
This is proven by the story of Daisy, a dog who has to go through a lot with her puppies.
Sick and without a loving family, they didn’t get off to a good start, but fortunately their fortunes turned round.
Lots of care and rest
Daisy and her eight puppies are rescued from an overcrowded animal shelter by the animal welfare organisation Muddy Paws Rescue.
The puppies suffer from parvovirosis, a serious viral disease, and need intensive care.
It is not clear whether they will survive, but eventually the vets give the all-clear.
Daisy is separated from her puppies during this time and finds it difficult to get used to her new surroundings, the pain and fear are too deep-seated.
After she is adopted by a loving family in a quiet place, everyone is delighted and believes that things are now looking up.
But Daisy has other plans.
Escape forwards
„To everyone’s surprise, Daisy managed to jump over the three metre high fence surrounding her new garden on the second day.“
says Mallory Kerley, Head of Marketing at Muddy Paws Rescue, and continues:
„At first, she was seen often by neighbours and almost caught a few times. But she couldn’t be caught and the sightings decreased.
That was the start of a major search operation involving our staff, volunteers and virtually the entire neighbourhood!“
After another four days of anxiety, Daisy is spotted in a forest and can be rescued.
Fortunately, she is unharmed.
After the second rescue, Daisy finally starts to settle into her new home.
Her puppies have also found new families and are ready for a new chapter in their lives.
However, all the new parents stay in contact with each other and make a reunion after a year and a half possible.
The family reunion is as warm and charming as they had imagined.
The puppies are now as big as their mum, everyone is happy about the reunion and the adoptive parents also have a great time together.
Here the happy ending was a bit long in coming, but in the end it was all the more beautiful.
Source: The Dodo