When animal rescuers tried to pick up a dog on the street, the friendly four-legged friend greeted them with gratitude.
But when it came to leaving, she refused to budge.
It was only when they followed the dog that they understood why she had refused to go with her rescuers.
Dog keeps reaching out her paw
When volunteers from „Ray Animal Rescue“ found the dog Elsa on the street, she was overflowing with joy that someone wanted to look after her, as can be seen in the video from „The Dodo“ on YouTube.
She immediately showed her trust in the animal rescuers and seemed to thank them by repeatedly holding out her paw.
The „Ray Animal Rescue“ staff only realised that there was something else behind the gesture when it came to taking Elsa away.
Elsa cannot be moved
Suddenly, the dog wouldn’t move from the spot. But as soon as her rescuers left her alone, she started moving.
The animal friends followed Elsa and then everything became clear: behind the gesture with her paw was a request to come with her.
Because when they got to the place where Elsa was leading them, the colourful group came across another four-legged friend: Hugo.
Elsa and Hugo had met and obviously fallen in love on the streets of Romania. The two were best friends.
When Elsa was found by the animal rescuers, she wanted to make sure Hugo was rescued with her. The volunteers from Ray Animal Rescue had never experienced anything like this before.
Watch the heartbreaking video here:

Source: The Dodo