Surprising visit: man discovers bird of prey on window sill – what follows is unbelievable


Falcons are fascinating birds. There are almost 50 different species worldwide. One very special beauty is the caracara falcon, also known as the vulture falcon.

It is mainly found in Central and South America, is not a particularly good flyer and therefore not a skilful hunter.

The falcon in this video must be very hungry. There is no other explanation for its behaviour.

Food is scarce in the city

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @ViralHog

Nature has adapted the caracara’s favourite food to its flying skills. It feeds mainly on insects, worms and carrion.

As its habitat becomes increasingly scarce due to increasing urbanisation, it does not disdain the waste of human cities.

This explains why the caracara in this video is relatively willing to be fed through the window of a tower block.

A little water perhaps?

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @ViralHog

We don’t find out how the stately bird of prey ended up on the window sill, which is quite high up.

In any case, it has settled there and peers through the window with interest. The owner of the flat carefully places a bowl of water in front of it.

The falcon allows this, approaches the water, tastes it carefully and drinks a few mouthfuls.

As the occupant correctly surmises, the falcon is not only thirsty. It is also hungry. And then the unbelievable happens.

Hunger beats fear

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @ViralHog

The falcon lets itself be fed from the hand. And not only that. The house cat has also found a spot on the inside window sill and is watching.

Obviously the bird of prey is so starved that it won’t be driven away by the human hand or the curious cat.

The commentators think the falcon is great, of course, but are more amused by the cat, which sits there calmly and watches its master feed the bird.

„The cat, so crazy“,

thinks @calvindarrington3698.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @ViralHog

The cat’s behaviour is indeed unusual. But maybe she was just surprised by the unexpected guest on the windowsill.

You should definitely watch the video:

Source: ViralHog

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