„This has nothing to do with animal welfare“: Dogs abandoned and chained in front of animal shelter in Austria

“Das hat nichts mit Tierschutz zu tun” Hunde vor Tierheim Österreich ausgesetzt und angekettet

Animals were abandoned in front of the animal shelter years ago. Is it the same perpetrator?

This is clearly misunderstood love of animals. If you want to save an animal, you can’t simply absolve yourself of responsibility afterwards.

False love of animals

Hat jemand einen aus dem Tierschutz geretteten Hund an der Kette ausgesetzt? / Foto: Tierheim Stadt Baden
Did someone abandon a dog rescued from animal welfare on a chain? / Photo: Tierheim Stadt Baden

The animal shelter in Baden in Lower Austria had to experience it again. Someone chained dogs in front of the animal shelter in a cloak-and-dagger operation.

It is a horror for the shelter staff to find the animals tied up. They suspect that someone is bringing the dogs to Austria from abroad.

He then chains the helpless dogs up outside the shelter and leaves them completely alone and insecure.

This is not how animal welfare works. If you rescue an animal, you should also contribute to its safe accommodation right to the end.

International animal welfare

The Austrian animal welfare activists suspect that the person who chained the animals to their doorstep is working with animal welfare organisations abroad.

There werealready similar cases five years ago in which an identical method was used.

The street dogs are presumably brought to Austria from abroad. The problem for the perpetrator is then solved by abandoning them, but not for the Baden animal shelter.

Of course, animal welfare activists know how difficult it is to turn a blind eye to animal suffering or to have to wait – but only optimal and secure accommodation makes sense.

The animal shelter believes that animal welfare should not be understood in the same way as the perpetrator. After all, the perpetrator is only postponing the suffering of foreign strays.

No free space

The animal shelter is actually full. But the animal welfare organisation cannot and will not turn down such an emergency.

Unfortunately, the dog has to be housed in the cat house as there is no more room in the dog house.

The cats are very irritated and get very frightened when the dog barks. And the dog, who has to be alone among cats, doesn’t feel comfortable there either.

This means that even more animals are now suffering because, much to the regret of the animal welfare organisation, the current housing conditions are no longer suitable.

The Baden animal shelter will do its best, but they cannot take in any more „chain dogs“ on their doorstep.

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