This shelter dog wants to give every human its paw – the reason why is heartbreaking

Dieser Tierheim-Hund will jedem Menschen die Pfote geben - der Grund dafür zerreißt das Herz

Anyone who still doubted that dogs have feelings and show human reactions will be disabused by this heartbreaking story.

The main character is a sweet young dog called Speck, who unfortunately has to live in an animal shelter.

A sad existence

speck, like the other dogs at the Bullock County Humane Society shelter, lives in a kennel. Although he gets food there, life is monotonous, cramped and dreary.

Speck lacks human warmth, love and fun activities. What’s more, the floor is hard and cold, and then there’s the fence that separates him from the rest of the world.

His kennel consists of walls with wire mesh and a barred door, through which an employee of the animal shelter sometimes comes to look after him and clean his „home“.

Speck eagerly awaits these moments, as the carers are his only contact persons. Although the staff take good care of him, they have so many animals to look after that there is hardly any time for one person.

Speck surprises people with a special gesture

Mit einer besonderen Geste überrascht Speck die Menschen

Whenever a member of staff from the animal shelter comes in to see him, Speck welcomes him with joy.

But not simply by wagging his tail and nudging him, he has come up with something very special: he gives people his paw.

He actually puts his dog’s paw in the human’s hand, almost like two people shaking hands. When the humans leave the kennel, Speck is always very sad.

Lonely and full of longing, Speck then sits behind his gate and hopes that someone will come by. As soon as he spots a human outside his kennel, he does something truly incredible.

He stands up on his hind legs, holds on to the bars with one paw and sticks his other paw through the gap next to the door to shake hands with the person outside.

It looks incredibly human how his paw grabs the human’s hand and doesn’t want to let go.

Speck wants so much for someone to finally take him home and love him forever.

But despite his truly touching efforts, Speck has been living at the animal shelter for a year and a half.

His wish comes true

Unfortunately, the people to whom Speck has reached out his paw so far have not adopted him.

But one day, a family comes to the shelter who simply cannot resist Speck’s loving paw pressure and heartbreakingly longing gaze.

His dream finally comes true. The family takes him to their farm, where he not only has loving people, but also two dog buddies to play with.

He will certainly continue to give his paw, but from now on out of gratitude.

Source: lexnau

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