If a kitten’s eyes become inflamed, medication and eye drops can often help and no damage remains.
Stevie is less fortunate – both of his eyes have to be removed. Jamie Myers and her family take in the little cat after the operation.
Although the Myers hadn’t planned it, Stevie steals into their hearts.
The little cat needs time to arrive
After the operation, Stevie needs some time to settle in with Jamie and her family.
He eats and drinks poorly, which is why Jamie has to weigh him four times a day.
„[…] I had to feed him with a syringe to keep him hydrated“,
she says of her initial problem child.
On the third day with the Myers, the spell was finally broken. The little cat begins to eat independently and sufficiently.
He immediately uses the energy this gives him for extensive cuddles. Jamie carries him in a baby carrier – so he can sleep peacefully when he gets tired.
Stevie is out of the woods
„He wanted to live and I made sure he got every opportunity to do so as soon as he was in my arms,“
jamie says of her foster cat.
When she finds out what food Stevie likes, everything changes – the little guy develops a big appetite and gains so much weight that Jamie doesn’t even have to weigh him anymore.
Along with his appetite comes a desire to discover the world: Stevie becomes more and more confident and uses his other senses to find his way around.
His lack of sight doesn’t stop him from living out his curiosity and play instinct. The family cat is a great help to him.
Prince Waffles and Stevie are soon inseparable
Waffles immediately takes Stevie into the family. He lets the kitten cuddle by his side, offering him a safe haven in a dark world.
Jamie and her family don’t hesitate when they realise the true friendship between the two. Stevie is allowed to stay with them.
„I knew the moment I saw him that we were keeping him forever,“
says Jamie.
source: Love Meow