Unusual "mushroom" gives up riddles – but on closer inspection it is clear who is hiding here

Ungewöhnlicher Pilz gibt Rätsel auf

It is part of the daily routine of the staff at Pennsylvania Bat Rescue to carry out a thorough check of the large flight enclosure.

When it’s that time again and the team is making its rounds, the bat rescuers become suspicious. They come across a mushroom that seems to be growing in the middle of the green grass.

But they realise that it is not a mushroom at all ..

An animal with clever camouflage

Source: Facebook/Pennsylvania Bat Rescue

Fortunately, the bat rescuers are very experienced and know the tricks of the cunning animals.

When they bend down to take a closer look at the „mushroom“, they quickly realise that it is not a mushroom, but their protégé, the red bat Punkin Roll.

Everyone is absolutely thrilled to see the bat’s clever disguise with their own eyes. Apparently her disguise not only works very well in the trees, but also on the ground.

Red bat with ingenious camouflage

Source: Facebook/Pennsylvania Bat Rescue

While it’s a little unusual for bats to snuggle up in the grass, it’s not for Punkin Roll.

The red bat actually lies down on the ground from time to time, curling up in its tail cover and sleeping until nightfall.

The bats seek shelter from predators under leaves and grass, and their mushroom camouflage naturally helps them to do so.

Depending on the weather, they keep warm or cool in their own body bag.

Punkin Roll is back in the wild thanks to the loving and expert care of the bat rescuers.

Source: Facebook/Pennsylvania Bat Rescue

Now he spends his nights back in his native and familiar deciduous trees.

Bats are great animals

Unfortunately, there is still a negative stigma associated with bats.

They are labelled as monsters of the night and are considered scary or even dangerous.

Yet they are small and vulnerable animals that need our help and protection.

Stephanie Stronsick, the founder and director of the rescue campaign, says she hopes to give the animals a better image by spreading bat facts.

This is an important point so that bats are given more attention in the future and can be better helped as a result.

Source:The Dodo

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