This story proves once again that our four-legged friends also have feelings, which they show more than obviously in special situations.
Because this golden retriever even bursts into tears at the sight of this man!
This is the touching and deeply sad story behind it.
This is how it all began
The relationship between a man and his golden retriever was something very special – after a hard day at work, he could hardly wait to finally be home with his four-legged friend.
And the golden retriever was also overjoyed, when his master came home. The two of them went through thick and thin – they were simply best friends!
Everything went perfectly – until the moment when everything changed for the man.
He fell into a deep depression
As his dog was ill, he spent a lot of money on his treatment – but then the man suddenly became unemployed and had to move to another place.
He felt worse and worse from day to day and became severely depressed.
Because he could no longer look after him himself, he entrusted the four-legged friend to a good friend.
Initial difficulties
But the dog didn’t want to make friends with his new owner at first – after all, everything was still new and he missed his old master and he missed his old master.
He didn’t even eat anything for the first few weeks as the unfamiliar situation was too upsetting for him.
After three months, however, he slowly got used to his surroundings and gradually settled in with his new owner.
A visit to his beloved dog
One day, when the dog’s former owner was slowly getting better after 5 years, he decided to pay his good friend a visit.
The anticipation of seeing his animal best friend again was of course huge!
How the golden retriever reacted to his visit, the man had definitely not expected!
Touching moment
When the dog saw the man, his eyes filled with tears of joy – and he jumped joyfully into his old owner’s arms!
Even the man could no longer hold back his tears. This moment was simply too emotional!
The four-legged friend hadn’t seen his owner for 5 years and had missed him incredibly much – so now he showed him his true feelings!
He had feelings of guilt
Although the joy of being reunited with his beloved golden retriever was huge, the man felt guilty for not being there for him back then.
But judging by the four-legged friend’s reaction, he’s not angry at all – on the contrary, he’s just happy to have his old master back!