When a Little Boy Meets a Dog for the First Time, His Reaction Will Warm Your Heart

Kleiner Junge trifft zum 1. Mal auf einen Hund – Seine Reaktion lässt alle Herzen höher schlagen

It’s heart-warming to see children in their first encounter with animals. Take this 14-month-old boy and a dog, for example.

A video that captivates everyone and impressively proves why dogs are considered man’s best friend.

Our four-legged friends always give us unforgettable moments of happiness in their company.

Children and dogs – an amusing encounter

An internet clip that turns even the most miserable mood into a smile. Regardless of how your day has gone so far, this scene will brighten it up.

According to the video platform Rumble, the little boy meets a dog for the very first time in his life.

The dog lies there calmly and watches as the excited boy prances around in front of him.

But when the dog gets up, approaches the boy and gently nudges him with its wet nose, the child flees.

The dog stays behind, wagging his tail in irritation, watching the little boy run away.

How similar are dogs and wolves really?

Erik Axelsson and his team carried out a „wolf-dog analysis“ a few years ago. Their results are fascinating.

Axelsson investigated the genetic differences between wolves and dogs.

He discovered that the nervous system is the biggest difference and has a direct influence on the animals‘ behaviour.

It is precisely this small difference that causes dogs to love the company of humans, while wolves prefer to stay among their own kind.

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