Woman lies in bed and hears screams in the garden – when she looks, her heart almost stops
One morning, a woman in New York hears screams in her garden. Concerned, she goes outside to investigate. The noises are coming from the direction of the fence.
A furry something is stuck behind the fence. At the same time, she sees a raccoon running around excitedly nearby.
A nasty jam
The excited raccoon is a mum and the furry something is her two children. The little ones are in a bad situation.
There is a wall just a few centimetres behind the fence and the little animals are stuck in this narrow space.
One of them has also got its paw stuck. The other is sitting on its head. The two must have slipped down from above and are now lost without help.
Immediate action needed
The woman doesn’t hesitate for long and contacts wildlife expert Karenlynn Stracher, who arrives a short time later.
After taking a look at the two poor creatures, she calls the police to get additional help.
However, she immediately changes her mind and decides that action must be taken immediately.
A clever idea
The rescue operation is by no means easy. Fortunately, the owner of the house is willing to help Karenlynn with the difficult task.
The animal rescuer resorts to unusual tools, namely litter pickers. She uses them carefully so as not to injure the raccoons.
In addition, the gap in which a raccoon’s paw is stuck has to be loosened without the poor chap slipping any deeper.
With a great deal of effort, the operation finally succeeds and the little raccoons sit in a transport box.
An anxious wait
Karenlynn now wants to be absolutely sure that she has not accidentally injured the two cubs. She takes them for a check-up.
Of course, the raccoon mum knows nothing about this. She only knows that a human has taken her two children. But then the anxious wait comes to an end.
Karenlynn returns with the two little raccoons and they are both fine.
You can watch the rescue on the TikTok channel @wildliferehab_kl.
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Source: The Dodo