Rian Feldman doesn’t hesitate for a second when she receives a call. A young pig has been seen all alone in the forest.
The animal rights activist sets off immediately. But how is she supposed to find the little animal in the middle of the forest?
She doesn’t have to search for long
Rian looks carefully to the left and right as she walks slowly along the path. She has only been in the forest for a short time and fears that the search is almost hopeless.
But then she can hardly believe her eyes. Close by, she discovers a small creature hiding in the bushes. It’s the baby pig she’s been looking for.
The only problem now is how to catch the frightened animal. But the animal rights activist already has a plan.
She first sits down in the grass to be at eye level with the piglet. In this way, she hopes that the baby animal will realise that she means him no harm.
Rian waits patiently, doing nothing but talking to the baby pig in a soothing voice. A whole four hours pass in this way.
The piggy gains confidence
The baby pig didn’t run away the whole time, but it didn’t come to Rian either. It just looked at her and listened to her.
Now it sees that Rian is holding something in his hand – something the starving baby has a big appetite for. Rian has brought cashew nuts as a lure.
Sure enough, the little pig approaches them. It approaches hesitantly, then can’t resist its appetite and eats the cashew nuts enthusiastically.
Rian knows that she has to be quick now. She only has one attempt to catch the baby animal. At just the right moment, she puts a T-shirt over the little pig and hugs it tightly.
At first the baby pig is terrified and struggles, but Rian holds it securely in her arms and takes it into the car.
Once there, she sits with the baby pig on her lap for a while so that it can calm down. She holds it lovingly and talks to it tenderly.
Once again, the animal rights activist is successful. The baby pig relaxes and seems almost as happy as Rian.
With the little pig on her lap, Rian drives to the rescue centre. There the little one can recover together with other rescued animals and grow up happily.
Rian named the foundling Cashew because it was saved by the cashew nuts.