Woman Saves Burnt Puppy, His Incredible Transformation Warms the Heart

Frau rettet verbrannten Welpen- Seine atemberaubende Verwandlung berührt das Herz

The life of a stray dog is not easy. This six-week-old puppy is also suffering on the streets until fate decides to intervene.

Although he looks partially burnt and is missing his fur, the bald puppy’s struggle will soon come to an end.

A saving encounter: Pixie’s new life

Eine rettende Begegnung: Pixies neues Leben

When someone finds the dog named Pixie in his garden, he decides to help her by calling some people from a nearby animal shelter.

They discover that Pixie is malnourished and suffering not from burns but from a terrible mange, a disease where scratching can lead to sores and scabs.

Eine rettende Begegnung: Pixies neues Leben

Daphne Bragg, an animal shelter worker and Pixie’s foster mum, immediately falls in love with the little puppy.

Eine rettende Begegnung: Pixies neues Leben

A special bond: Elliot and Pixie’s cohesion

Eine besondere Bindung: Elliot und Pixies Zusammenhalt

At just a few weeks old, Pixie is at a crucial stage in her development.

She needs to learn from real dogs how to be the best puppy ever. It is important that she learns these social skills from other dogs.

Eine besondere Bindung: Elliot und Pixies Zusammenhalt

She feels a special bond with Daphne’s dog Elliot.

He too had a similarly heartbreaking start in life. Like Pixie, he was a tiny stray when he was rescued.

Elliot and Pixie are perfectly matched and inseparable!

Eine besondere Bindung: Elliot und Pixies Zusammenhalt

They play together and Pixie learns important behaviours from him that only conspecifics can teach her.

Her recovery is also progressing: with the help of medicinal baths, scabs and wounds are beginning to heal.

Eine besondere Bindung: Elliot und Pixies Zusammenhalt

Change through love and care

Die Veränderung durch Liebe und Pflege

After just a few weeks, Pixie’s transformation is simply incredible. Her once bald and harassed coat is now healthy and shiny again.

The dog is ready to move to a loving and permanent home where she can finally stay forever.

And indeed, it doesn’t take long for Pixie to find the perfect „parents“ to give her this new future.

The memories of the difficult times when she was plagued by illness and roamed the streets alone are fading more and more.

Now Pixie has a life full of security and happiness ahead of her.

Watch the heart-warming video now: Video

Source: epic-interesting

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