Woman tickles chicken, chicken laughs herself to death – viral video delights everyone

Huhn macht lustige Geräusche, wenn es gekitzelt wird - Video sorgt für großes Gelächter

Did you know? There are many animals that are really ticklish. These include not only monkeys, but also camels and even owls.

This has now been discovered by research at the University of Portsmouth in England – including the positive response of the tickled animals.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Francis the chicken can’t stop laughing

Source: YouTube screenshot

Is it any wonder that chickens almost start laughing when you tickle their tummies?

Francis is Lisa’s chicken, who lives on a farm in Rockwall, Texas. In fact, the chicken laughs almost hysterically when Lisa tickles it.

And Lisa thought it was so great and unusual that she really wanted to share Francis‘ reaction – and she did.

Source: YouTube screenshot

She simply recorded a few videos. She says: „Francis is a very affectionate chicken who simply reacts particularly well to being tickled.“

Source: YouTube screenshot

Francis lives on the farm with 40 other animals, including goats, pigs, dogs, cats and guinea pigs.

A farm for animals in need

Source: YouTube screenshot

The animals have something in common: they have special needs and have all been rescued. Lisa actually works in the film industry.

Source: YouTube screenshot

But since the start of COVID, she has also specialised in teaching her protégés funny tricks.

Francis is a special chicken

Source: YouTube screenshot

As the videos have shown, Francis is a special chicken. This is because it is said to be an Ayam Ketawa chicken.

This breed is also known as the laughing chicken. So it’s no wonder that the noises Francis makes sound like laughter.

In Indonesia, where the chickens actually come from, they are almost sacred. And for a long time they were reserved for the Indonesian royal family.

Would you like to know what Francis sounds like when she is tickled? Then watch the cute and funny video here:

We’re sure that Francis will continue to brighten everyone’s day with her funny laugh and cheerful disposition for a long time to come. 😊

Source: Viral Hog

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