14 Adorable Pictures Mama Dogs With Her Puppies, That Will Melt Your Heart

14 Bilder zum Dahinschmelzen So süß zeigen Hundemamas ihre Liebe

Animals have no feelings! Anyone who has pets knows very well that our faithful companions often share their mood with us in a very clear and impressive way.

Whether it’s a happy tail wagging when we arrive or rattling the food bowl.

Excited barking when a threat approaches or the playful four-legged friend finally wants to chase after the ball – the spectrum of our animal friends is broad.

Whether there is a capacity for empathy behind this is debatable. What cannot be denied, however, is the love and affection that radiates from these photos.

Proud masters and mistresses have taken pictures of their mama dogs and puppies – and captured very special moments of intimacy and joy.

See for yourself..

1. All on mom!

2. (Almost) 101 Dalmatians

3. Trust is good, control is better – mom doesn’t miss a thing

4. Mom’s tummy is so nice and soft

5. Simply happy

6. Awake

7. A terribly big family

8. Warmed from all sides

9. To cuddle

10. Alert

11. A wild gang of rascals

12. A small, lovable army of dogs

13. Once a buffet mom!

14. Mom’s pride and joy

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