After Rescuing 8 Dogs From a Dumpster, Animal Rights Activists Make a Shocking Discovery at Owner’s House

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Humans have been collectors since time immemorial.

Back then, collecting was necessary for survival and to ensure the continued existence of the human race, but today collecting mania often takes on cruel characteristics!

Especially when animal collectors are discovered, we often turn away from the pictures in horror.

Nobody understands how someone who actually loves animals can allow themselves to acquire too many and then not only let them fall into disrepair, but downright torture them.

The dog found in the rubbish bin

Facebook/AHeinz57 Pet Rescue and Transport

What the staff at AHeinz57 Pet Rescue and Transport in Bridgewater (USA) ultimately presented as one of their cruelest finds began when eight dogs were found in a rubbish bin.

When Amy Heinz and her staff were called because dogs had been found in a large bin, they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Half starved, matted and full of fleas, eight dogs were living in the most unfavourable conditions. Twelve dogs were found dead during the search of the surrounding area for more poor souls.

The search warrant

Facebook/AHeinz57 Pet Rescue and Transport

Due to the neglected dogs from the bin and the dead dogs on the property, the animal rights activists around Amy Heinz managed to get a search warrant from a judge.

When Amy Heinz finally entered the house of the supposed animal lover, she was heartbroken.

she found 34 dogs, closer to death than life, living in indescribably agonising conditions. Matted and full of fleas, these dogs were a picture of misery.

Fleas everywhere

Amy remembers that the fleas immediately spread to the rescue workers. Some of the dogs were literally drained of blood, there were so many fleas on them.

The terrible condition was also confirmed by vets and some of the dogs actually had to stay in the clinic for a blood transfusion.

Dog groomers volunteered to help the dogs and shear them so that the skin and fur could recover, while the dogs were physically rehabilitated.

The animal hoarding house is now being demolished by the city, it is so full of fleas that no one could ever live in it again. The owner is co-operating with the city council and the police.

Amy Heinz emphasises that animal hoarding is a mental illness and the lady urgently needs proper help and therapy!

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