Animal Rescuer Doing His Utmost To Save Injured Dog Is Left Heartbroken By What Happens In The End

Tierschützer tut alles für die Rettung dieser Hündin – wie sie trotzdem stirbt, bricht ihm das Herz

His name is Malte Zierden, he was born in East Frisia and is what you might call a social media star.

Malte has dedicated himself to rescuing animals and regularly reports on his positive experiences on his Instagram channel.

But Malte also knows the depressing, emotionally very stressful side when all rescue attempts fail and an animal dies. You have to be able to endure that.

The pictures consume him

Malte admits that he is sometimes scared. The pictures of sick, dying animals eat him up from the inside.

He felt the same way about a dog in Turkey that was rescued in a terrible state of health after an earthquake.

Although the animal welfare activists from the „Nothilfe“ association and the Turkish organization „Haytap“ tried everything to save the dog, she unfortunately did not make it.

Fighting to the bitter end

Malte was so sure she would survive that he named her Phoenix. The dog’s death hit him all the harder.

As satisfying as animal welfare work is, not all animals can be saved. Thousands die every day and animal welfare workers can no longer do anything for them.

It is these sad fates that make the animal rights activists‘ work even more difficult, and yet they fight for every animal to the bitter end.

Animal rights activist Malte does not stop at animal welfare work on the ground. He also works abroad in collaboration with the „Nothilfe“ association.

In Ukraine, he and the association have built an animal shelter to European standards. From there, Malte was able to report a positive animal welfare case to his followers.

The work is still worthwhile

Although the dog Ma had lost her puppies, she took on the role of mother dog for many other motherless puppies at the shelter.

Ma now lives with Malte and his girlfriend. He has adopted the dog. And another problem child has found shelter with Malte.

It’s a pigeon, for which Malte has set up a living room on the windowsill.

These are the wonderful stories that motivate the animal rights activists and let them know that their work is worthwhile after all.

Source: Deine Tierwelt

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