Animal Rights Activists Heartbroken Upon Finding Struggling Creature In The Snow

Unfassbares Leid- Tierschützer sind schockiert, als sie diese arme Kreatur im Schnee finden

It’s no secret that dogs are our most loyal animal companions. But the way in which these four-legged friends are sometimes kept is simply shameful.

People often buy a dog to serve as a guard dog. Unfortunately, they do not receive the necessary love and attention, but are kept chained up around the clock.

This is what happened in Yukon (Canada), where an owner put the dog „Diesel“ on a chain, which the poor animal had to endure continuously for four years. Simply because the dog owner didn’t want the animal in the house.

Chain dogs do not have a good life and this kind of behaviour is absolutely reprehensible.

The ordeal of Diesel – the chain dog

In Yukon, temperatures can drop to -40 degrees Celsius in winter. There are photos of animal rights activists where Diesel alternately lifted his paws from the frozen ground in winter to avoid frostbite.

The four-legged friend was also constantly exposed to attacks from other animals. Diesel could hardly defend himself or even escape because he was on a chain.

One day, Diesel was even kicked in the head by a horse and lost a large part of his teeth. The owner probably didn’t care about the dog’s state of health.

Bleeding wounds, a dislocated jaw and even a tumour were the first sight that helping people had to endure.

Fortunately, help was organised and Diesel was taken to a rescue centre for neglected animals in Vancouver: the Animal Advocates organisation.

It is really very positive that there are still animal rights activists and organisations like this!

Finally rescued after four years on a chain

The first step taken by Diesel’s helpers was to provide the necessary medical care. He was operated on because a tumour was found. His jaw was also straightened so that Diesel could eat properly.

Naturally, the dog was initially shy and mistrustful of people – especially men.

But thanks to the loving work of the animal carers, Diesel was able to build up trust in people again. He was also no longer exposed to attacks from other animals.

Diesel even found a new friend, the dog Romeo, who was also rescued from a dump after being completely neglected.

True heroes and poor animals

We are very grateful to the people who cared about Diesel’s fate and alerted the animal rescue team. The carers also went to great lengths.

No dog in this world has to go through such a nightmare, but unfortunately it happens again and again.

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